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Define prolactinomas.
Type of pituitary adenoma, benign tumor of the pituitary gland, producing excess prolactin.
ProlactinomaHow are pituitary adenomas classified based on size?
Microadenoma is <1cm, macroadenoma is >1cm.
ProlactinomaHow are pituitary adenomas classified based on hormonal status?
Secretory/functioning adenoma produces excess hormone, non-secretory/functioning adenoma does not.
ProlactinomaWhat hormone is produced in excess by prolactinomas?
ProlactinomaWhat are the features of excess prolactin in women?
Amenorrhoea, infertility, galactorrhoea, osteoporosis.
ProlactinomaWhat are the features of excess prolactin in men?
Impotence, loss of libido, galactorrhoea.
ProlactinomaWhat additional symptoms may be seen with macroadenomas?
Headache, visual disturbances, symptoms and signs of hypopituitarism.
ProlactinomaWhat diagnostic tool is used for prolactinomas?
ProlactinomaHow are symptomatic patients with prolactinomas typically treated medically?
Dopamine agonists (e.g., cabergoline, bromocriptine).
ProlactinomaWhen is surgery performed for prolactinomas?
When patients cannot tolerate or fail to respond to medical therapy.
ProlactinomaWhat is the preferred surgical approach for prolactinomas?
Trans-sphenoidal approach.