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What is a common challenge in individuals with myopathies?
Symmetrical muscle weakness, often more pronounced proximally than distally.
MyopathiesName some common difficulties individuals with myopathies may face in daily activities.
Challenges in rising from a chair or getting out of a bath.
MyopathiesWhat distinguishes myopathies from neuropathies in terms of sensation and reflexes?
In myopathies, sensation is normal, and reflexes are normal, with no fasciculations.
MyopathiesMention an example of an inflammatory cause of myopathy.
MyopathiesProvide examples of inherited myopathies.
Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy.
MyopathiesWhat endocrine conditions can cause myopathies?
Cushing's syndrome, thyrotoxicosis.
MyopathiesWhat lifestyle factor can contribute to myopathies?
Alcohol, although the text is incomplete.