All::Haematology::Diseases::Blood product transfusion complications

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Non-haemolytic febrile reaction

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What is the common presentation of Non-haemolytic febrile reaction?


Blood product transfusion complications

What is the management of Non-haemolytic febrile reaction?

  • Slow or stop the transfusion
  • Paracetamol
  • Monitor

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the pathophysiology of Non-haemolytic febrile reaction?

caused by antibodies reacting with white cell fragments in the blood product and cytokines that have leaked from the blood cell during storage

Blood product transfusion complications

Minor allergic reaction

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What are the main clinical features of Minor allergic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications)?

  • Pruritus
  • urticaria

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the management of Minor allergic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications)?

  • Temporarily stop the transfusion
  • Antihistamine
  • Monitor

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the pathophysiology of Minor allergic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications)?

Thought to be caused by foreign plasma proteins

Blood product transfusion complications


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What are the main clinical features of Anaphylaxis (Blood product transfusion complications)?

  • Hypotension
  • dyspnoea
  • wheezing
  • angioedema.

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the management of Anaphylaxis (Blood product transfusion complications)?

  • Stop the transfusion
  • IM adrenaline
  • Resuscitation

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the pathophysiology of Anaphylaxis (Blood product transfusion complications)?

Can be caused by patients with IgA deficiency who have anti-IgA antibodies

Blood product transfusion complications

Acute haemolytic reaction

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What is the common presentation of Acute haemolytic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications)?

  • Fever
  • abdominal pain
  • hypotension

Blood product transfusion complications

How is Acute haemolytic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications) diagnosed?

send blood for direct Coombs test, repeat typing and cross-matching

Blood product transfusion complications

What are the main causes of Acute haemolytic reaction (Blood product transfusion complications)?

ABO-incompatible blood e.g. secondary to human error

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the pathophysiology of Acute haemolytic reaction?

a mismatch of blood group (ABO) which causes massive intravascular haemolysis. This is usually the result of red blood cell destruction by IgM-type antibodies.

Blood product transfusion complications

How long after starting the transfusion does Acute haemolytic reaction present?

within minutes

Blood product transfusion complications

What are the possible complications of Acute haemolytic reaction?

  • disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • renal failure

Blood product transfusion complications

Transfusion-associated circulatory overload

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What is the common presentation of Transfusion-associated circulatory overload?

  • Pulmonary oedema
  • hypertension

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the management of Transfusion-associated circulatory overload?

  • Slow or stop transfusion
  • Consider intravenous loop diuretic

Blood product transfusion complications

What are the main causes of Transfusion-associated circulatory overload?

Excessive rate of transfusion, pre-existing heart failure

Blood product transfusion complications

Transfusion-related acute lung injury

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What are the main clinical features of Transfusion-related acute lung injury?

  • Hypoxia
  • pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray
  • fever
  • hypotension

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the management of Transfusion-related acute lung injury?

  • Stop the transfusion
  • Oxygen and supportive care

Blood product transfusion complications

What is the pathophysiology of Transfusion-related acute lung injury?

Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema thought to be secondary to increased vascular permeability caused by host neutrophils that become activated by substances in donated blood

Blood product transfusion complications

How long after starting a blood transfusion is Transfusion-related acute lung injury typically seen?

ARDS symptoms develop within 6 hours

Blood product transfusion complications