All::Cardiovascular System::Pharmacology::ACE Inhibitors

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What's the mechanism of action of ace inhibitors?

inhibit the conversion angiotensin I to angiotensin II ACE inhibitors are activated by phase 1 metabolism in the liver

ACE Inhibitors

What are the common side effects of ace inhibitors?


  • occurs in around 15% of patients and may occur up to a year after starting treatment (thought to be due to increased bradykinin levels) angioedema: may occur up to a year after starting treatment hyperkalaemia first-dose hypotension: more common in patients taking diuretics

ACE Inhibitors

Cautions and contraindications of ACE inhibitors

pregnancy and breastfeeding - {{c1::avoid}}

renovascular disease - {{c2::may result in renal impairment}}

aortic stenosis - {{c3::may result in hypotension}}

ACE Inhibitors