All::Infectious diseases::Diseases::Bacterial vaginosis
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What is Bacterial vaginosis?
an overgrowth of predominately anaerobic organisms in the vagina
Bacterial vaginosisWhat are the main clinical features of Bacterial vaginosis?
- vaginal discharge: 'fishy', offensive
- asymptomatic in 50%
How is Bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?
3 of the following 4 points should be present
- thin, white homogenous discharge
- clue cells on microscopy: stippled vaginal epithelial cells
- vaginal pH > 4.5
- positive whiff test (addition of potassium hydroxide results in fishy odour)
What is the management of Bacterial vaginosis?
if symptomatic: oral metronidazole for 5-7 days
Bacterial vaginosisWhat is the causative bacteria of Bacterial vaginosis?
Gardnerella vaginalis
Bacterial vaginosis