All::Obstetrics and Gynaecology::Pharmacology::Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

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What is the mode of action of Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)?

  • Primary: Inhibits ovulation
  • Also: thickens cervical mucus

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

What is the failure rate of Implantable contraceptive?

0.07/100 women-years

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

How long does the Implantable contraceptive last?

3 years

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

How long does barrier protection need to be used after insertion of a Implantable contraceptive?

7 days if not inserted within the first 5 days of the cycle

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

What is the main side effect of the Implantable contraceptive?

irregular/heavy bleeding

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

What is an absolute contraindication (UKMEC 4) of Implantable contraceptive?

current breast cancer

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)

What is an relative contraindication (UKMEC 3) of Implantable contraceptive?

  • ischaemic heart disease/stroke
  • unexplained, suspicious vaginal bleeding
  • past breast cancer
  • severe liver cirrhosis, liver cancer

Implantable contraceptive (etonogestrel)