All::Infectious diseases::Diseases::Leishmaniasis

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What are the main causes of Leishmaniasis?

protozoa Leishmania, which are spread by the bites of sandflies


Cutaneous leishmaniasis

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What are the main clinical features of Cutaneous leishmaniasis?

  • crusted lesion at the site of bite
  • there may be an underlying ulcer


How is Cutaneous leishmaniasis diagnosed?

punch biopsy from the edge of the lesion allowing for both histology and culture


What is the management of Cutaneous leishmaniasis?

cutaneous leishmaniasis acquired in South or Central America merits treatment due to the risk of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis whereas disease acquired in Africa or India can be managed more conservatively


What are the main causes of Cutaneous leishmaniasis?

Leishmania tropica or Leishmania mexicana


What are the main clinical features of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis?

skin lesions may spread to involve mucosae of nose, pharynx etc


What are the main causes of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis?

Leishmania braziliensis


Visceral leishmaniasis

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What patient groups is Visceral leishmaniasis most common?

Mediterranean, Asia, South America, Africa


What are the main clinical features of Visceral leishmaniasis?

  • fever, sweats, rigors
  • massive splenomegaly. hepatomegaly
  • poor appetite*, weight loss (occasionally patients may report increased appetite with paradoxical weight loss)
  • grey skin - 'kala-azar' means black sickness
  • pancytopaenia secondary to hypersplenism


How is Visceral leishmaniasis diagnosed?

bone marrow or splenic aspirate


What are the main causes of Visceral leishmaniasis?

Leishmania donovani
