All::Infectious diseases::Diseases::Legionella
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What are the main clinical features of Legionella?
- flu-like symptoms including fever (present in > 95% of patients)
- dry cough
- relative bradycardia
- confusion
- lymphopaenia
- hyponatraemia
- deranged liver function tests
- pleural effusion: seen in around 30% of patients
How is Legionella diagnosed?
urinary antigen
LegionellaWhat is the management of Legionella?
LegionellaWhat is the causative bacteria of Legionella?
Legionella pneumophilia - typically colonizes water tanks
LegionellaWhat are the CXR findings in Legionella?
- generally non-specific
- a mid-to-lower zone predominance of patchy consolidation
- pleural effusions in around 30%