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What is the common presentation of Psittacosis?
The most common presentation is as a cause of atypical pneumonia
PsittacosisWhat patient groups is Psittacosis most common?
- more common in young adults
What are the main clinical features of Psittacosis?
- Flu-like symptoms (90%): fever, headache and myalgia
- Respiratory symptoms (82%): dyspnoea, dry cough and chest pain
What are the investigations findings in Psittacosis?
- Raised inflammatory markers
- Chest X-ray: consolidation (90%)
How is Psittacosis diagnosed?
Confirmation with serology
PsittacosisWhat is the management of Psittacosis?
- 1st-line: tetracyclines e.g. doxycycline
- 2nd-line: macrolides e.g. erythromycin
What are the main risk factors of Psittacosis?
Transmission is typically from birds or bird secretions including urine and faeces, typically occurring after cleaning bird cages
PsittacosisWhat is the causative bacteria of Psittacosis?
Chlamydia psittaci