All::Gastroenterology::Diseases::Wilson's disease
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What is Wilson's disease?
excessive copper deposition in the tissues
Wilson's diseaseWhat is the common presentation of Wilson's disease?
- onset of symptoms is usually between 10 - 25 years
- Children usually present with liver disease
- young adults is often neurological disease
What is the inheritance pattern of Wilson's disease?
autosomal recessive
Wilson's diseaseWhat are the main clinical features of Wilson's disease?
- liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis
- neurological:
- basal ganglia degeneration: in the brain, most copper is deposited in the basal ganglia, particularly in the putamen and globus pallidus
- speech, behavioural and psychiatric problems are often the first manifestations
- also: asterixis, chorea, dementia, parkinsonism
- Kayser-Fleischer rings (green-brown rings in the periphery of the iris)
- due to copper accumulation in Descemet membrane
- renal tubular acidosis (esp. Fanconi syndrome)
- haemolysis
- blue nails
What are the investigations findings in Wilson's disease?
- reduced serum caeruloplasmin
- reduced total serum copper (counter-intuitive, but 95% of plasma copper is carried by ceruloplasmin)
- free (non-ceruloplasmin-bound) serum copper is increased
- increased 24hr urinary copper excretion
How is Wilson's disease diagnosed?
confirmed by genetic analysis of the ATP7B gene
Wilson's diseaseWhat is the management of Wilson's disease?
penicillamine (chelates copper)
Wilson's diseaseWhat are the main causes of Wilson's disease?
caused by a defect in the ATP7B gene located on chromosome 13
Wilson's diseaseWhat is the pathophysiology of Wilson's disease?
increased copper absorption from the small intestine and decreased hepatic copper excretion
Wilson's disease