All::Clinical Science::Statistics::Sensitivity and Specificity

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What is meant by Sensitivity of a test?

Proportion of patients with the condition who have a positive test result

Sensitivity and Specificity

How is Sensitivity calculated?

TP / (TP + FN)

Sensitivity and Specificity

What is meant by Specificity of a test?

Proportion of patients without the condition who have a negative test result

Sensitivity and Specificity

How is Specificity calculated?

TN / (TN + FP)

Sensitivity and Specificity

What is meant by a tests Positive predictive value?

The chance that the patient has the condition if the diagnostic test is positive

Sensitivity and Specificity

How do you calculate Positive predictive value?

TP / (TP + FP)

Sensitivity and Specificity

What is meant by a tests Negative predictive value?

The chance that the patient does not have the condition if the diagnostic test is negative

Sensitivity and Specificity

How do you calculate Negative predictive value?

TN / (TN + FN)

Sensitivity and Specificity

What is meant by a tests Likelihood ratio for a positive test result?

How much the odds of the disease increase when a test is positive

Sensitivity and Specificity

How do you calculate a Likelihood ratio for a positive test result?

sensitivity / (1 - specificity)

Sensitivity and Specificity

What is meant by a tests Likelihood ratio for a negative test result?

How much the odds of the disease decrease when a test is negative

Sensitivity and Specificity

How do you calculate a Likelihood ratio for a negative test result?

(1 - sensitivity) / specificity

Sensitivity and Specificity