All::Cardiovascular System::Diseases::Rheumatic fever

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What is the management of Rheumatic fever?

  • antibiotics: oral penicillin V
  • anti-inflammatories: NSAIDs are first-line
  • treatment of any complications that develop e.g. heart failure

Rheumatic fever

What are the main causes of Rheumatic fever?

develops following an immunological reaction to a recent (2-4 weeks ago) Streptococcus pyogenes infection

Rheumatic fever

What is the pathophysiology of Rheumatic fever?

the cell wall of Streptococcus pyogenes includes M protein, a virulence factor that is highly antigenic. It is thought that the antibodies against M protein cross-react with myosin and the smooth muscle of arteries

Rheumatic fever

What are the Major diagnostic criteria for Rheumatic fever?

  • erythema marginatum
  • Sydenham's chorea: this is often a late feature
  • polyarthritis
  • carditis and valvulitis (eg, pancarditis)
  • subcutaneous nodules

Rheumatic fever

What are the Minor diagnostic criteria for Rheumatic fever?

  • raised ESR or CRP
  • pyrexia
  • arthralgia (not if arthritis a major criteria)
  • prolonged PR interval

Rheumatic fever

What is the Diagnostic criteria of Rheumatic fever?

evidence of recent streptococcal infection accompanied by:

  • 2 major criteria
  • 1 major with 2 minor criteria

Rheumatic fever

What is seen in tissue biopsy in Rheumatic fever?

Aschoff bodies: granulomatous nodules found in rheumatic heart fever

Rheumatic fever