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What is the term preferred for softening of the bones due to low vitamin D levels in adults?
OsteomalaciaWhat term is used when softening of the bones due to low vitamin D levels occurs in growing children?
OsteomalaciaName some causes of osteomalacia.
Vitamin D deficiency (malabsorption, lack of sunlight, diet), chronic kidney disease, drug-induced (e.g., anticonvulsants), inherited (hypophosphatemic rickets), liver disease (e.g., cirrhosis), coeliac disease.
OsteomalaciaWhat are the features of osteomalacia?
Bone pain, bone/muscle tenderness, fractures (especially femoral neck), proximal myopathy leading to a waddling gait.
OsteomalaciaWhat blood tests may show abnormalities in osteomalacia?
Low vitamin D levels, low calcium, phosphate (in around 30%), raised alkaline phosphatase (in 95-100% of patients).
OsteomalaciaWhat may be seen on an x-ray in osteomalacia?
Translucent bands (Looser's zones or pseudofractures).
OsteomalaciaWhat is the treatment for osteomalacia?
Vitamin D supplementation (loading dose initially) and calcium supplementation if dietary calcium is inadequate.